Lesson of the Business Week

An Entrepreneurs River Force, Danii Oliver

Dear Storytellers & Creators,

I’d like to share with you a very poignant message that struct me deeply. It is my sincere hope that this message will inspire you to focus on your focus and make it through your week with joy and your sanity. This is also a little reminder for when distractions come about, as they frequently will.
Disclaimer: “I should put this in a book but will spare you the wait and give it to you now.”

What happens when the river ends up on the shore?
A literal Natural Disaster!
The river belongs in the river bed.
Focus on where you belong.

–Danii Oliver

What this means is stick to the boundaries you set for your business. Boundaries are not limitations. Rather, boundaries are the guidelines you’ve chosen to protect yourself and focus on your focus. One might even say boundaries are part of your driving strategy.

Once Upon a time I saw red flags and was so curious about what they were I hopped on the shore, off my path, to take a look. Before I knew it I had become engulfed in all there was. And I, in my innocent curiosity, found in my wake trauma and goals put on pause.

I didn’t know how much of a force I could be as the “Entrepreneur River” flowing in it’s designated path. I also didn’t fully appreciate that a river could flood and carve new paths with the power of erosion. I didn’t know boundaries. I didn’t innerstand that my path, though wildly winding would lead me somewhere great if I stayed the course. I struggled with rigidity and falling prey to red flags.

Gratefully, I recently had a shift in perspective when this poem came to me:

How many times do you need to be rejected 
and reminded of your purpose to focus on
your FOCUS?
The universe has got you! 
So long as you walk with the flow of the CURRENT and not
against it, this part will be easy.
When the waters of opportunity are rushing against you, 
mama, turn around and allow
the current to take you.
Give up fighting for what you think you need. 
Sit in your crown and allow yourself to be
GIVEN what is right for you.
Trust that what is given
is 1000% better than what you were fighting for. 
You know where you are going.
Don't be afraid if you think you will be alone.
Alone is good. 
Believe it or not, everyone's number one complaint where you are headed is 
they don't get enough time to themselves.
So fear not. 
Lean into it, it's gonna be a wild ride!
And congratulations you can now see 
at the beginning what's not right for you rather
than waiting until the end for the shock.
Congratulations your wishes have been answered you can SEE from a mile away
Turn around and let the current take you where you need to be.

And if my brain share is too esoteric here is a strong literal version for you listening pleasure:

KIDO Family Ranch- American woman in Business Danii Oliver
KIDO Family Ranch- American woman in Business Danii Oliver
Unschool Discoveries Hardcover Children's Picture Book

This is a large heading in this space

With a shorter line of descriptive text here.


Lesson of the Business Week